Star Fox Adventures

Star Fox Adventures


After an emergency call, the Star Fox team prepare themselves in their new roles to investigate Dinosaur Planet and save the ancient paradise from being plunged into chaos. Eight years on from defeating Andross, Fox’s team has since been disbanded – Slippy’s working in research and development; Peppy has retreated to the calmer life of mission support; and Falco? Well, play and see.
Fully equipped with a magical staff, Fox will have to complete a series of missions but not without the difficulty of fighting off mutated dinosaurs and coming face to face with a towering T-Rex. Progress hangs on the help of a young but smart-mouthed triceratops named Tricky and a mysterious young woman – only with their help can you save the unspoilt planet from the evil grasp of General Scales. Fans can also sample some classic Star Fox action and take to the skies with the famous fighter plane, Arwing. Pilot through dangerous asteroid fields and engage in some seriously intense dogfights.
Follow the team through a world set across vast landscapes and explore the dangerous depths of ice-capped mountains, stone temples & exotic forests inhabited by lots of prehistoric animals. Thanks to the breathtaking graphics achieved by the NINTENDO GAMECUBE, players will witness detailed environments brimming with intricate shadow and water effects as well as state of the art character rendering.